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Instructions and Acknowledgements

You can use the index on the right side of this page to look up information about health conditions you are interested in.  You will find both blog posts and articles I have written and excerpts of interesting health related articles written by others with links to the original copy. There is also educational material  specifically for practitioners of Traditional Oriental Medicine, with case studies, technical articles and notes on treatment strategies  and  theory taken from Andrea's and my clincial experience and  the many classes and seminars Iwe have taken over the years. Hopefully they will be helpful and thought provoking for fellow acupuncturists, but perhaps will be overly technical and/or irrelevant for general readers. I have marked these with an asterix (*).  

I have tried to acknowledge and give credit to all the teachers from which these notes derive and apologize  if I have taken  inadvertent credit for any ideas which are not my own. I invite comments and clarification of this material which is dependent on the accuracy and completeness of my note taking and the limits of my experience.